Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Ruang solat khas

Lama lak rasanya tak update blog. Buku SMART solat tu masih lagi tak abis aku membacanya. But.. dah ada satu perkara yang aku dah implement. Satu ruang khas utk solat dlm rumah. Bukan sekadar solat kat bilik tidur sahaja. Memang berkesan dan cukup memotivasikan. Rasa nak cepat2 jek solat bila tiba waktu, rasa tenang je bila abis solat dan boleh sambung mengaji. Quran atas papan rehal sentiasa terletak di sisi ruang solat, mudah dicapai utk dibaca sebaik saja lepas solat. Satu perubahan yang baik kan?


Monday, December 21, 2009

S.M.A.R.T. Solat

Untuk memastikan azam yang satu ni terlaksana, aku beli buku ni - SMART SOLAT. Baru baca 3 bab. Ada kesan sikit.. menusuk jiwa. Hehe. Kata penulis buku ni, Solat juga perlu di rancang utk memastikan ia berkesan. Ye lah kan, selama ini, aku hanya solat kerana kewajipan, selesai solat bergegas buat kerja, macam takde kesan kat hati. Astagafirullah..

Nanti ada masa, aku tulis lagi tentang buku ini. Ilmu dan amal, itu yg penting.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Salam Maal Hijrah.

Aku ada azam. Kali ni, lebih spesifik. Selain dari kereta baru, kerja baru, rumah baru, baju baru, hp baru dan yang lain-lain yang serba baru.. ada lagi perkara baru yang perlu aku lakukan.

Oh ye, aku gila shopping baru2 ni, dah banyak benda baru yang aku beli. The unnecessary things that become so important. Just to make me happy. Ya, banyak jugak duit simpanan aku habis begitu saja. Plus spending on travelling to unnecessary places.. but still, aku masih rasa incomplete.

Those things yang aku beli hanya indah di mata. Hati di dalam? Dia yang tahu. Mungkin ada yang tak kena di dalam. Sesuatu yang tak lengkap. Itu yang perlu aku cari dan perbaharui. Kan?

Jadi, kali ini aku berazam, mencari sesuatu yang tidak kena itu dan memperbaharuinya. Mungkin aku tak perlukan wang pun utk dapatkan yang baru. Aku cuma perlu masa. Aku perlu perbaiki dan perbaharui solatku. Tiada lagi penangguhan atau solat kosong. Itu azam ku. Insyaallah.

Monday, December 14, 2009

New Job

I am happy with my new car.. best la.. rasa nak tidor makan dlm tu jek.. hehe melampau la kan? Another thing that will make me happier is to get a better job. Dulu, my reason to stay here with this boring job is just to be close to bonda tercinta. But now, nothing left to make me stay here any longer. So.. am looking for a new job ok... any offer? hehe

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hope hoping hope

The excitement went down the drain yesterday when I couldnt get my new car, just because the road tax was not ready.

Lesson learnt:

do not hope so much.


so much hope is the possibility of everything


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

New car

You dont have to think so hard. Just sit back and relax. Enjoy each moment you have in life. Why am I talking like someone so relax, peaceful? Do you know that I am now very tension? Too much work to do, due. Well, I really need to calm down .. take things easy. Haha.. look whos talking ya?

I am actually looking forward to pick up my new car from the dealer this afternoon.. hehe ... bestnyaaaa

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


When you are down and dont know to whom to talk to, just let it go through blogging or facebook. There will always be someone who will answer to your unanswered questions in mind. A small word that bring courage to yourself to start a new day with the old thingy. Its not easy but possible.

You know that I really need that courage very much after few months in mess.

Recharge but not discharge .. well understood, ok!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Keep Your Distance Please

Somehow, because of some reasons, you dont feel like being close to someone that you know for so long. Not because you hate her/him, but most of the time, distance is necessary. Why? Mainly because too close means you are sharing too much secret in your life and nothing left in future or nothing interesting to see/wait? I might be too conservative but well.. for some good reasons, of course, you need to reserve something to yourselve...

prevention is better than cure! you know that well.. ;)

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Just came back from sydney. Honestly, I dont really like Sydney. The town is too expensive to live in. Not worth it. Too pack with Chinese and China made product as well. What to shop? Nothing! Most of the things are in Malaysia. Even cheaper!

Actually, I was there for a visit, just for a weekend. A sudden decision made on last minute. Just to kill time. Met old coursemate who decided to settle there. If I were her, I wouldnt waste my time in Sydney too much! Haha.. sorry!