Monday, June 22, 2009

Fitness Dance Workout

Pergh... sungguh2 aku follow Combat Dance ni.. rasa macam berlatih bertumbuk tendang terajang orang jek.. hehe.. best2.. basah dgn peluh. Banyak la calories burn kan? :D

Beli Nestle Fitness Cereal and you will get free DVD for two type of dance for workout: Body Combat and Body Jam.

Memang power dance ni.. tak meletihkan tau and you will get slimmer faster ;)


  1. ha ye ke nur...ada dvd free ke ..aiseh esok gak aku nk cari menda nih...

  2. yerrr.. cari lah.. hehe best woo.. sambil kurus, sambil belajar bertumbuk.. haha

  3. oohhhh....tau2..tau!!! nnti nak surh Jessie beli cereal nie...semata2 nak cd..hahaha

  4. beli jgn tak beli.. get sweat in just 20 mins.. pergh!
